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Create Highlight Reels and Film Sessions

There's no better way to improve as a player or as a team than watching film. Hoopsalytics makes it easy for coaches to save clips, add comments, and organize them for team or individual sessions.

It's also easy to make highlight videos to include on social media, or to send to recruiters.

And unlike other systems, you can read your comments while watching the film, and not have clips always cut short at 7 seconds.

Watch this short video to learn more:

Creating Film Sessions - Feature Summary

  • Easily create film sessions from one or more events that occur during a game.
  • Multiple events (like every three point shot by a player) can be added to a film session with a single click.
  • MP4 formatted highlight videos are easy to create and download to your PC from any film session, and can include fade effects and captions.
  • When viewing film sessions, the current clip is highlighted, and you can easily go to the next or previous clip using PgDn and PgUp, or by clicking on the clip in the sidebar.
  • Turn on Slow Motion using the keyboard (up arrow or down arrow), or from the video player controls.
  • The left and right arrows go forward or back in time on the playing video.
  • To start a film session, go to the Film Room, and create a new Film Session. Clips can be added to any active film session.
  • You can create clips while scoring or tagging a game, or when viewing video-linked stats or sets from a box score.
  • Edit the clip description, or start and end time from within the Clip Viewer.
  • Reorder clips by dragging them up and down.
  • Each clip has a description, and an icon like , , etc .
  • Clips can be categorized as offense, defense, transition, rebounding and BLOB/SLOB.
  • Film clips can be added to your playbook.

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