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Shot Analysis

Take better shots! With the Shot Analysis tool, you can see shooting percentages for any shot type (like "runners" or "post moves"), broken down for each player or the entire team. Plus, view attributes like "contested" or "wide open" and see the difference. You can even attach a shot quality score to each shot and see who is taking the best, smartest shots.

No other analytics system makes it this easy to track, measure and improve your team's shot selection. Watch this short video to learn more:

Shot Analysis Features

  • See which shot types are the most successful.
  • View the shooting percentage for any shot type.
  • Analyze shot attributes (like contested, uncontested) and show your team what works best.
  • Add your own custom shot types and attributes as you watch game video.
  • Using a quality score, see which players are taking the best shots.
  • See the distribution (frequency per 100) of shot types.
  • Look at points-per-shot for all shot types or attributes.
  • Isolate on 2 point or 3 point shots.
  • Click on any number to see videos clips of those shots.

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These amazing stats and analytics were generated by Hoopsalytics.
Learn more at hoopsalytics.com.