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Game Summary Visualizations

Get a better picture of why you won or lost a game using the visualizations in the Game Summary tool.

Hoopsalytics Timelines show each player's activity during the game, including when they played, their made and missed shots (green and red dots in the image above), and optionally turnovers, steals, assists, and rebounds. No other system can give you a clearer visualization of each player in the game. And this is especially useful for opponent scouting to see how lineup rotations appear, and who is taking the most shots.

You also get interactive score and margin graphs. Select a portion of the graph, and summary stats change for that portion of a game. It's a great way to see what happened during a run. Here's how the score and margin graphs appear:

Watch this video to learn more about Game Summaries and Visualizations:

Game Summary Features

  • View scoring and margin graphs for the entire game.
  • Set per-game goals for any stat, and see how each team over or under performed on that goal.
  • All comparison stats for each team link to video clips of those events.
  • Select a portion of a game, and see how the comparison stats change.
  • Get more insights with event timeline visualizations.
  • See play-by-play breakdowns of the entire game, and easily watch clips of any event.

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These amazing stats and analytics were generated by Hoopsalytics.
Learn more at hoopsalytics.com.